Thursday, October 23, 2008

Credit Cards

I am really over the whole credit card thing. They are way too addicting. I get one thinking I will use it "just for emeregencies." But do I do that? Nope. I will see something and go "Hmmm, I can get this and put it on my credit card and just pay it off when I get paid in a couple of weeks." But I never pay it off. Yes, I know this means I have no self-control. However, I feel that now that I know what my problem is the answer is simple. No more credit cards!!!!! If I can't afford it now then I can't get it. Which will mean a very lean Christmas this year.

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed! I wish I had your resolve!! I have a "whatever" attitude about it, which is probably why my debt keeps growing instead of shrinking!! I need to cut up all my credit cards too!!
