On Tuesday night, I was lucky and got to see Jimmy Wayne perform. It was at the Virginia Aquarium & marine Science Museum's IMAX Theatre. There was about 50 people and Jimmy Wayne, his guitar, and his percussionist. I love these kind of seetings, they are so intimate and you feel a connection with the artist.
Jimmy Wayne came on the scene in 2003. I was immediately captured by the honesty and realness of his music. He sings about what he has really gone through and a lot of it is a lot like our lives. He has a song called "I Love You This Much" which is about a boy yearning for his father's love. This struck a chord in me because I feel the same way. I am just not a boy!
During the summer, I was reading a blog entry from the Program Director (aka Jombi) of my favorite radio station, Eagle 97.3 and he was talking about how great the concert season was this year and if we had any comments and any suggestions about who we would like to see in concert to shoot him an email. So I did. Honestly, I expected no response but I did get one. I had asked him to bring Jimmy Wayne into concert, perferably an Eagle's Nest concert. He said they were working on something and to keep listening. So last month I was listening and I heard the dj announce that Jimmy Wayne was coming to the Eagle's Nest on October 2nd. So I immediately sent him this email:
During the summer, I was reading a blog entry from the Program Director (aka Jombi) of my favorite radio station, Eagle 97.3 and he was talking about how great the concert season was this year and if we had any comments and any suggestions about who we would like to see in concert to shoot him an email. So I did. Honestly, I expected no response but I did get one. I had asked him to bring Jimmy Wayne into concert, perferably an Eagle's Nest concert. He said they were working on something and to keep listening. So last month I was listening and I heard the dj announce that Jimmy Wayne was coming to the Eagle's Nest on October 2nd. So I immediately sent him this email:
I am not sure if you remember me, but I emailed you a couple months ago in
response to your blog about the best summer concert season ever and I told
you I would love to see Jimmy Wayne. I just heard Karen say that he was
coming to the Eagle's Nest October 2. I am begging you for tickets!!!!!!
I do horrible trying to win tickets on the radio and I really really really
want to see Jimmy Wayne. Please tell me there is something I can do to get
tickets, even if it is to clean up after Jimmy Ray at the end of his
response to your blog about the best summer concert season ever and I told
you I would love to see Jimmy Wayne. I just heard Karen say that he was
coming to the Eagle's Nest October 2. I am begging you for tickets!!!!!!
I do horrible trying to win tickets on the radio and I really really really
want to see Jimmy Wayne. Please tell me there is something I can do to get
tickets, even if it is to clean up after Jimmy Ray at the end of his
His response was:
Nothing to do at all....I'll mail you some tickets by the end of the week.; Of course, I remember....you HAVE to be there.
When the tickets came, I was in hog heaven. I danced and danced around the office waving them. Two days before the concert Jimmy Wayne had to cancel due to illness. I was crushed. They were able to finally reschedule the concert for October 21st.
Due to all the craziness that has gone on in October in our lives, I forgot to get someone to watch Kenzie so Josh and I could go. Josh told me to take Melissa and he would stay home. I am so glad I took Melissa. At first she was reluctant to come.
When we got there, there was about 10 people in line ahead of us. After waiting a few minutes the doors open and out comes Jimmy Wayne. He stops and talks to us for a few minutes. I embarassed Melissa by taking his picture when he was out there.
When we got in we were lucky and got to sit in the second row. Which wouldn't have been bad if the girl in front of me had not felt like Jimmy Wayne would fall instantly in love with her and kept getting in my way of seeing him by sticking her big head in my way throughout the entire time. You all know this type of girl at concerts. The one that tries to get as close as possible and yells stuff out at him like he is going to look at her once and fall in love. (Right here is where I need the eyerolling emoticon) I know this because I had to listen to her and her friends yammer about this.
Here is a pic of her big head in my way!
Okay, enough about the bad stuff and on to the good stuff.
Like I said it was a really intimate setting. He sang a song then talked for a few minutes and the process repeated several times. When you were listening to him tell stories you could tell that is how he really is. I did get a confirmation from the PD that Jimmy Wayne is really like that. One of the stories he told was about when he had to cancel the October 2nd date because he couldn't talk. He sent a couple of texts to the PD apologizing for having to cancel. They both have a common love of Hall & Oates. Jimmy Wayne knows John Oates so he gave John Oates the PD's number and he called him.
Jimmy Wayne was blushing when he told the story about being detained in the Oakland airport last month. But was able to laugh at himself and what happened. The entire performance was like sitting with an old friend.
After the concert was over we all got to meet Jimmy Wayne, get his autograph, and have our picture taken with him.
The people in line in front of us had their two little boys (about 4 and 6 years old) with them. When it was their turn Jimmy Wayne got on his knees and talked to them at their level. Anyone with kids knows that not everyone does that. He spent time with them and actually talked to them about stuff they were interested in.
It was finally our turn! When Melissa and I were walking towards him (Melissa by this time was in love with him!!!!!!) he lifted his hand up to me and said "give me 5!" Of course he had his hand held up way higher than my head. LOL Got to love the shortie jokes. Then he turned to Melissa and told her how pretty her hair is. This of course shot her self esteem up a million points!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he read her shirt and laughed. Her shirt said "Don't Interrupt Me When I Am Talking To Myself". He talked to her for a couple more minutes and called her "Pretty hair Girl". Then we took a picture with him and he signed our cds and signed pictures too. When he was talking to us, he actually looked into our eyes!
If you ever have a chance to see Jimmy Wayne in concert, I say you must go see him. You will leave the concert feeling like you just spent the evening with a great friend. This was my #1 favorite concert ever.
Here are some pics from the concert.